๐Ÿ”—Chainers Blockchain

We utilize Chainers Chain (a Polygon Sidechain), based on Polygon Edge technology that is compatible with Ethereum. This offers:

  • Reduced commission fees;

  • No queues or interference from other transactions, ensuring faster operation.

Polygon Edge is a blockchain framework developed by Polygon, designed to facilitate the swift and easy creation of public or private Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks using cutting-edge technology:

Explorer is a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM-based blockchains.

Additional Features of Polygon Edge Used in Chainers Chain:

Chainbridge: A multi-directional blockchain supporting Substrate and EVM-compatible chains, enabling the transfer of messages and assets between two chains using Chainbridge. BlockScout: Requires a full node archive to import every change for every address on the target network. Permission Smart Contract Deployment: Network Operators can restrict users from deploying smart contracts unrelated to the network's purpose by:

  1. Whitelist addresses that can deploy smart contracts.

  2. Remove addresses from the whitelist that can deploy smart contacts.

Smart Contract Predeployment: Facilitates users in having their Smart Contract present on the chain from the start.

Instead of manually deploying Smart Contracts on an active chain, users can have their Smart Contract appear on block 1 at a specified address, thanks to Polygon Edge's support for specifying Solidity Smart Contracts.

Last updated