✍️Main Lore

Chainers story begins in an unknown galaxy, that humanity could not even imagine. There is a planet inhabited by fantastic creatures. The name of it is CHAINERYS.

Nature and dwellers on this planet look similar. Chainers are very much alike on the outside, but very different on the inside. The similarity of the surrounding world and its inhabitants led to the need to stand out. Chainers filled their need for creativity through all possible types of art and self-expression. Chainers from all over the Chainerys come to the Game of Arts — an annual event chainers have created to show off their creative side and compete. It brought a rise in certain types of art.

Chapter 1: Legacy

Xavier — son of famous champions of the Game of Arts. From childhood, he was surrounded by an atmosphere of games. Xavier set himself the goal of following this path. Xavier wasn’t creative in the way chainers used to be. He loved science and inventing stuff.

Time and time again, Xavier failed at the games. After another non-working invention, Xavier was in despair, but suddenly two chainers came to him and offered help. A scientist named Big Eye and his assistant Charlotte. He suggested Xavier join forces before the next Game of Arts.

Xavier, Charlotte, and Big Eye started working together on an invention they believed will change chainers' art forever. The day of the Game of Arts was approaching. Xavier had no doubts that they would not only win the competition but also change the Chainerys forever. On the day X, everything was ready, but everything went wrong.

Chapter 2: Imposter

Big Eye has come to Chainerys through a portal, but it was a one-way ticket. His ability to mind-control living creatures for unknown reasons didn’t work on the chainers. It made him hide and mimic as chainer.

Big Eye created a legend and pretended to be a scientist. He couldn’t find a key to the chainers' mindset until he met Charlotte. Abandoned and rejected, she was the perfect test subject.

Soon after, Big Eye found another desperate chainer in Xavier. He saw a perfect opportunity in Xavier's invention. Big Eye found a blocker for his abilities. It was chainers creativity. While they were making a projector for the Game of Arts, Big Eye was adjusting his abilities and creating a new galaxy portal to bring more allies to the Chainerys.

On the day of the games, Big Eye changed a film with himself using mind control abilities. It turned out perfectly: almost the entire stadium was hypnotized. Big Eye was so overwhelmed with triumph that he lost the form of the chainer. Xavier burst into the booth and found Big Eye in his true alien form. Charlotte followed him. Xavier thought both of them would handle Big Eye, but it was a lost cause. Charlotte was already under control.

Chapter 3: Mentor

Charlotte — talented, but also shy and insecure. She couldn’t find her place in Chainerys until she met Big Eye.

Charlotte found the mentor and the approval she was constantly looking for. Soon, they started working together with Xavier, and it became more than a job. Charlotte falls in love with Xavier. But Big Eye secretly begins experiments to control her thoughts and feelings.

On the Game of Arts day, Charlotte and Xavier prepared everything for the competition. Then things went downhill with Big Eyes' evil plan. Her personality changed as soon as she saw the Big Eye. Charlotte couldn’t resist mind control.

Being next to Big Eye, Charlotte observed all his actions. Like a constant state of sleep paralysis. Big Eye called brainwashed chainers “Perfect”. Big Eye ordered Charlotte to bring Xavier. He was going to mind-control the scientist. Charlotte couldn’t let that happen. Her consciousness broke through the hypnosis. Charlotte freed Xavier but was captured by perfect chainers in the process.

Chapter 4: Rebellion

When Big Eye hypnotized the chainers, not everyone was affected by it. Chainers, who weren’t brainwashed, were hunted by perfect chainers. After Xavier escaped from Big Eye, he met a group of those chainers. They called themselves creative chainers.

Xavier told creative chainers about other prisoners held captive by Big Eye. Together, they have created a plan for how to free other creative chainers, including Charlotte. At first, everything was going according to plan. But on the way out, creative chainers faced perfect ones led by Big Eye and brainwashed Charlotte. A fight broke out between them. In the process, Xavier triggered the laboratory's self-destruct system. The only way to escape in time was through an unfinished device created by Big Eye: a galaxy portal. Big Eye tried to mind control Xavier, but it didn’t work. Creative chainers with Xavier went through a portal. Charlotte and part of the perfect chainers to chase rebels.

Chapter 5: New World

After going through the portal, chainers found themselves on Earth and also gained Big Eye's ability to mimic any shape or form. Now, they are trying to adapt to humans and their culture. Chainers built houses and found jobs, but not everything went smoothly in the process. They are searching for a way to return home.

Perfect chainers led by Charlotte also got to the Earth. They made a secret organization. Perfect chainers hope the Big Eye will find a way to the Earth. They are waiting for him and recruiting new members to their organization. While Xavier is searching for Charlotte to undo the brainwashing.

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