โ“How to Plant

How to Begin:

  1. Ger Your Free Booster right away: Start your farming adventure by claiming your first Booster for free. This booster provides the initial resources needed to establish your farm.

  2. Explore the In-Game Store: Visit the in-game store within our HUB to explore and purchase additional Boosters. These Boosters offer new opportunities and resources for expanding your farm.

Cultivate, Nurture, Harvest:

Now that your farm is ready, it's time to get your hands dirty!

  1. Planting Seeds: Utilize the acquired seeds to start planting various harvests on your farm.

  2. Nurturing Your Plants: Care for your plants by giving them the attention they need. Ensure optimal growth conditions for a bountiful harvest (fertilize).

  3. Harvest and Earn: Once your they are ready, harvest them to earn in-game currency. Reinvest this currency into your farm to broaden your operations and explore new possibilities.

Last updated